Futrli business reporting, how it helps to improve your profitability.



Partner focus – Futrli business reporting, how it helps to improve your profitability.

Would you like to be able to forecast your cash flow better?

Would you like to be able to easily see where your business can be more efficient? 

Do you look to your accountants to advise you on ways to improve your profitability?

Our clients come to us to provide them with a variety of services, from producing their year end accounts for filing with HMRC to a full outsourced financial management service. Our team work with our clients to ensure they get the best service but we also recognise that there are some areas that we may need additional support on or access to different resources to be able to deliver the best advice they and their business need.

Over the years we have identified a number of specialist partners to plug the gaps in the service we provide and one of these areas is performance and KPI reporting. We can develop and produce reports for you but this would take a long time and be costly, instead we have partnered with Futrli.com who, when working in conjunction with us, produce real time cash-flow forecasting and reporting. Their reporting platform provides us with the analysis we need to quickly and easily identify the areas in your business that can be adapted and improved without waiting till the end of the financial year to see where there are potential issues and more importantly where there are aareas to improve.

Futrli will help you

  • Maximize the value of your time
  • Uncover crucial insights tailored to your accounting and business needs
  • Clarify historical, present, and future performance for your business

With Futrli as part of your reporting package we are able to support you to easily analyse and interpret the reports to help you plan the development of your business effectively and efficiently, ensuring you are maximising the profitability of your business.

To find out how Futrli can help your business grow get in touch.


020 8863 4566
