Is your business all about you or can it run on its own? Find out how to build your business to work without you?

Action Coach

If you were not around for a month, could your business operate without you?

That is often a question that business owners don’t ask until they either come to sell or, god forbid, want to go on holiday, by which time it is too late.

One of our strategic partners, Helen Pethybridge, Action Coach, works with businesses to help improve their structure and profitability and in her latest course, “How To Build A Business That Can Work Without You”, she explores what businesses can do to run without their owners. During the course, Helen will focus on several key areas:

  • the chance to step out of your business and get focused 
  • develop concrete ideas on how to increase your business profits
  • make your team more effective
  • get a grip on your time management.

The aim of the session is to enable you to leave this practical seminar with a clearer direction and new tools to achieve your goals, even in these challenging times.

To find out more about this course and the subsequent course “5 ways to Grow Your Business Profits” visit Helen’s website.

To find out more information on how we can help your business maximise it’s profit and the other services we, and our strategic partners can provide please contact us.

020 8863 4566