Live Chat Added to Charterhouse Website

Live chat on website

In a world where it seems everything and everyone is talking about AI (Artificial Intelligence) and not necessarily in a good way, we have decided to move away from AI to ensure we maintain real live contact with our customers.

As part of our ongoing drive to improve our communications we recently updated our website and during this process had many discussions about the pros and cons of having a “Chat Bot” on the website. Chat Bots are basically an automated (AI) answering system on websites and other digital channels that enable a user to ask questions and be pointed in the right direction for the answers. However, these are limited to the script we, as a business, provide and in many cases, they cannot answer the real question.

Many of the visitors to our site have detailed and often complex questions so we wanted to ensure there was a way we could answer these at any time.

Our solution has been to add a “Real Chat” function to the site that is manned 24/7. This ensures that you can ask questions and get an immediate response and once we have understood your specific needs we will get the relevant person to speak to contact you.

We pride ourselves on our service and one of our core values is Dependable, the only way we can meet this value is to give you that personal contact at all times.

Have a look at our new website and if you have any questions, ask our “Chat”.

020 8863 4566