Micky’s memory

The heart and soul of a business is its people and this has never been truer than with Charterhouse.

Since its foundation over 50 years ago, Micky Ackenson, the original founder has been ever present. Adored by the staff, liked and respected by clients, Micky was the driving force behind the practice.

So it was with great sadness that we have to announce Micky’s passing after a long struggle with cancer. His challenge with his illness was typical of Micky, he refused to give up and when it was suggested that there was nothing else that could be done, he researched new treatments and took them on. Right to the last days, Micky was still combating his illness but he kept his sense of humour, not to mention his passion for Spurs.

His personal struggle over the past few years typified his approach to life and work and all those who knew him knew that he would not give up on a challenge, often to his client’s benefit. This was recently highlighted when Micky provided advice to some of the medical staff who had been treating him, helping them recover money from HMRC where they had fully expected to have to make payments instead.

Micky was ever present in the Charterhouse offices, never a closed door in sight, he was often seen wandering the floors of the office chatting and laughing with all the team. He always put people first, his family, friends, staff and clients and nothing was ever too much effort if someone needed help. This approach is one that has filtered down through the business and its staff.

Micky will be greatly missed but his memory will stay with us always and will continue to be there in all our work.

020 8863 4566
