Midnight Walk – the latest from the Charterhouse Team

St Lukes Midnight Walk

As the date looms for the Midnight Walk, the Charterhouse team has been confirmed with and unexpected bonus for St Lukes.

Firstly, the team of walkers has been confirmed, led by Bhavni Shah, she has now been joined by Vaidehi Mehta and Nirav Sheth. With only days till be event, the team are now busy training making sure they have the legs to complete the walk. The main challenge will be keeping going at that time of the night. It is only when you have completed such an event that you realise the additional challenge of doing exercise in the middle of the night when your body wants to be asleep.

However, the team will have a bit of extra motivation as, Raj Jiwani has joined the team of volunteers who will help marshall the event, ensuring all participants follow the right route, have refreshments when they need them and most importantly stay fit and safe. It is often the volunteers who don’t get the credit they deserve. Without them this type of event could not go ahead and makes them as important as the participants so a big thank you to Raj and all the other volunteers who are helping to run the event.

With all the pieces of the jigsaw in place, now the hard bit remains, helping Bhavni, Vaidehi and Nirav raise as much money as possible for what is an incredible cause. St Luke’s Hospice cares for people approaching the end of their life in Harrow and Brent. They aim to give the people we care for the best possible quality of life, each and every day. Supporting local people and their families is at the heart of what they do – focusing on what matters the most to them is at the centre of our care.

To donate please go to the team Just Giving Page.

020 8863 4566
