SuperWellness is back! – Charterhouse continue support for staff

At the beginning of 2020, just as the COVID pandemic struck, we began working with SuperWellness to help improve the health and wellbeing of our employees. Whilst we had already planned the programme before the pandemic hit, the timings were perfect and helped us provide an additional layer of support for our staff. The year-round programme was designed to educate staff about nutrition, create healthy habits related to diet, exercise, sleep, mindfulness, setting individual objectives for each of them. The programme then encouraged team to meet their objectives through a series of challenges. The engagement from the staff was fantastic as demonstrated in the results.

Following the success of last year’s programme, we have now decided to re-engage with SuperWellness and design a second programme that will keep all our team motivated throughout the year. This will now include quarterly seminars and full body composition testing followed by practical nutrition and lifestyle tips.

We are now looking forward to our first session around body composition that has been scheduled in November, with the main topic “Eco-friendly Eating” to keep in line with our drive to become more environmentally focused as a business and as individuals. In line with our work on Corporate Social Responsibility and in order to fight against climate change, every small steps matters. Our food choices determine how food is produced, processed and transported and we can all help by making conscious decisions about how to minimize food waste. During the programme all the team will have the opportunity to discuss their own experiences and set their personal goals for a more sustainable eating in the future.

For more information on SuperWellness and the support we provide our staff please contact us.

020 8863 4566